
series by davidspeight


season 4

Evan is faced with choosing between projects that will benefit the community and his own personal ambition over the needs of individuals in the village.

Summer Camp

season 4 episode 1

Summer 1974

CAMPING STORM: When the power goes out at summer camp, Evan discovers some of the challenges that keep local teens from coming to church.

season 4 episodes 2 - 4

Fall 1974

SALEM WITCHES: When a new teacher (Mary Ann) proposes a special history class – a Study of Witches – the town’s people unite in protest.
NOISY NEIGHBOR: When neighbors throw a party Saturday and loud music keeps the Smith's up, Evan preaches about it from the pulpit. While church folk applaud Evan, others want to know why he didn’t start a conversation with them privately.
THE PIANO: Villagers love Joanne as the new pianist until they discover she is divorced.

Church Piano
Mill Station

season 4 episodes 5 - 7

Winter 1974 - 75

ADOPTED: When Blake's father in Florida sends him home to Joanne, the teen causes trouble she can't handle. Bonding with Evan, he moves in with the Smith family.
SAVING NOM: A Vietnamese girl (refugee) is taken in, she won't speak, until Calvin, home from the army, remembers phrases he's learned. The Baker’s take her in.
CHRISTMAS SLIDES: Each person misses their photo session while helping someone else. They all come together and put on a hybrid slide/live pageant at the church.

season 4 episodes 8 - 10

Spring 1975

GORGEOUS DECEIT: Evan is excited to bring in boxing legend Gorgeous George who is now a preacher. But something is not right when Calvin remembers the boxer passed away long ago.
CAUGHT IN THE CANYON: When Blake can't afford car insurance he rolls his car off a cliff, mistakenly thinking no one will trace it back.
NOT THE PROM: A girl asks David out on a date to her prom. David is egged on by his Mother who makes exception to a no-dancing rule to help-out a neighbor.

Salem Church

season 4 episodes 11 - 13

Summer 1975

MEMORIAL CONCERT: When Annett watches the Smith kids for the weekend, she takes them to see the BEACH BOYS unknown that they too are considered forbidden rock musicians.
HOME COMING: When David (now 13) attempts to come out of the closet, he is shoved back in by those he confides in: parents, friends, neighbors, even his best buddy.
FINAL SERVICE: Elected president to a chaplain endorsing agency for the military, Evan plans to move onto bigger things. With little enthusiasm from his family and Barbra ready to rekindle her expansion goals , Evan is having second thoughts.