
series by davidspeight


season 3

Evan’s legacy is threatened when issues arise at home and within the community.

Cessna 1971

season 3 episodes 1 - 2

Summer 1973

NEW BEGINNINGS: Wrapping last season's plane crash, Evan keeps the Adventurer from being arrested. Barbra connives with an Opera Singer to help move EVAN onto bigger things and out of Salem.
TAKE 2: When the Adventurer leaves for a better paying job at the HAUL-A-WAY landfill, his assistant, David, takes over engineering a new Radio show starring Evan and the Opera Singer.

season 3 episodes 3 - 5

Fall 1973

BALLOON SUNDAY: In order to revive her Hotel deal, Barbara attempts to shut down the local landfill siting the recent plane accident, Mr. Haul-a-way steps in and buys the airport.
COUSIN MOVES: When Evan's scheming cousin comes to visit, he persuades a local girl (22, parentless) to let him live in her house.
SUNDAY SCHOOL ATHIEST: A local artist paints flannel-graph backgrounds and comes to a training class for Sunday school teachers. There she debates “existence” and "reliable evidence."


season 3 episodes 6 - 8

Winter 1973 - 74

MAUI WOWIE DEN: David hangs with Rick who has started a new biz -- selling joints. Paranoia sets in and soon the DEA comes to the basement window to make a buy.
WHO’S GOT CHRISTMAS?: Evan on jury duty, is too busy to remember to stop off and buy gifts. Loretta too busy helping at school forgets about church caroling.
MIRACLE VAN: When Grandma gets left behind at the nursing home, villagers pray for a second van. Evan wants it done in a week as he has promised no one will be left behind again.

season 3 episodes 9 - 11

Spring 1974

LAST CUP OF TEA: Mary Ann faces an unwanted pregnancy -- she plans to get a secret abortion.
SPONSORING CHURCH: When funds are needed to pay for radio airtime, Barbara proposes selling products on air -- things only her store carries.
MISSING FUNDS: When Betsy (church secretary) makes a much-needed cash donation to the radio program and the funds are diverted elsewhere, she turns detective.

Last Cup
Final Tracks

season 3 episodes 12 - 14

Summer 1974

LEGACY IS NOT FAME: The Opera Singer parts way when Villagers suspect she's been using the radio show only for her own self-promotion.
FINAL SHOW (Part 1): The radio show comes to an end when Evan realizes “legacy” begins with Family.
FINAL SHOW (Part 2): New members from surrounding towns, now part of the church family, help convince the locals, the church needs a remodel. Everyone has a part in helping.