
series by davidspeight


season 2

September 1972 – July 1973
Evan attempts to balance religion and politics in a year with an election, landmark abortion case, and the Vietnam War.

Factory Fire

season 2 episodes 1 - 5

Fall 1972

NO FAST LANE: When popular church-going teen, Ashton, is killed in a drag race, parents and neighbors want to know how God could let this happen.
PERMIT DENIED: It’s Evan vs. Barbra over an alcohol use permit. Evan uses a recent teen tragedy to garnish support against her application to sell liquor at the store.
BALLS OF FIRE: No one believes David when he witnesses “ball lightning” until spooky incidents begin to show and the airport office burns down.
ELECTING BARNEY: When Evan endorses Barney for re-election, the old debate of politics & religion don't mix, comes to a head.
FACTORY FIRE ABORTED: When a workers x-husband learns the Plastic Plant employs two women who have had an abortion (still not legal in MI), he attempts to set the place on fire.

season 2 episodes 6 - 9

Winter 1972

GRANDMA DRINKS: David's discovery of Grandma's bottle of wine, brings Evan to revisit a ghost from his past.
WHO’S MAYOR?: Evan mistakenly indulges in gossip from the pulpit.
SUBSTITUTE TEACHER: David doesn't understand why he can talk about Jesus but Mom can't -- when Loretta is asked to substitute teach at the local public school before Christmas.
DESOLATE BLIZZARD: Evan is faced with the dilemma of helping a drunk vs. the safety of his kids.

Christmas Lump
Labor Day Contest

season 2 episodes 10 - 13

Spring 1972

BABY’S BABY: A pregnant teenage girl befriends Loretta. When she tells her boyfriend she's not getting an abortion, she is accidentally killed in the fight.
THE EVICTION: When Barbara evicts a family who is one day late on rent, because they are Mexican, she loses business at the store.
THE OPERA SINGER: The villagers are challenged to accept people who are uniquely different when an opera singer moves to town.
SMOKING COOL: David gets closer to friend Rick and experiments with cigarettes. "All the adults and cool people do it." But Rick’s brother has something even cooler to smoke.

season 2 episodes 14- 17

Summer 1973

THE DISHWASHER: Loretta wants to return to college to get her masters degree, but who will take care of the kids and do the dishes?
THE COLUMN: When Fanny agrees to run a monthly column written by Evan, Barbra is furious, realizing she may be losing her grip on controlling the local news outlet.
THE RADIO SHOW: Evan’s production of a radio special has the opera singer and everyone else in town going "Hollywood."
THE ADVENTURER: Barbara tries to convince a developer to partner with her to build a Hotel when birds from the nearby dump contribute to a plane crash.
