
series by davidspeight

MaryAnn Baker (17) bright teen, the face of change


MaryAnn Baker

Bart Baker’s 17-year old daughter, Mary Ann dresses like Samantha on Bewitched down to the mini skirt, knee socks and hairdo. But why wouldn’t she, it is her favorite show?


MaryAnn Baker

Born and raised in Salem, she aspires to be a teacher. Having graduated a year early, she took a volunteer position as a teaching assistant with her mentor at the high school. Her liberal co-workers have her curious about what is in the world, thus she sneaks off to Ann Arbor for new experiences whenever she can.


MaryAnn Baker

She is not timid to jump in and say something when others may not. Her progressive values swing at some of the more conservative ideals in town. She is always suspect of David and his shenanigans.