
series by davidspeight

Loretta Smith (40) Pastor's wife with a balanced view


Loretta Smith

As Pastor’s wife, mother, and former missionary, Loretta runs the household behind the scenes. At 40, she is fashion conscious, can’t miss her weekly appointment at the beauty parlor, and excels at putting on a stylish appearance. Underneath the makeup, there is a tomboy at heart.


Loretta Smith

Growing up during the depression era, as the middle child of three and mostly ignored, she knows how to survive. Her experiences, as a teacher and missionary overseas, help bring a real-world balance to people who otherwise might be isolated in this church-going community.


Loretta Smith

Many times, she brings an opposing view to the table and makes us think. Her biggest obstacle is her love for her children. David can do the unforgivable and to her “he’s just being a kid.” When disagreements with Evan arise, sometimes the only way for her to get his attention is to create a small drama and act like she is hurt more than real.