
series by davidspeight

Meet the Salem Village Heroes and Villains 

Heroes and Villains

EVAN SMITH is the church minister who believes God has assigned him to reach all 310 souls in the village as a test before moving him on to his aspiration to be like Billy Graham. 

BARBRA DONAVAN is the general store owner, She welcomes ladies to her tea table for gossip time, and has made it her mission to save the villagers from THAT church.

LORETTA SMITH might be the perfect pastor’s wife, except that her past time overseas in missions, helps her bring a real world view to the table. Her blind spot is her son David, who can do no wrong.

DAVID SMITH (9) is full of curious energy that puts him in the middle of trouble, though he somehow always escapes punishment. He is a friend to everyone and many times his child-like, simple advice, is just what is needed.