
series by davidspeight

Barbra Donavan (38) the controlling store owner


Barbra Donavan

Coming of age in an upper-middle class family, she dresses well, speaks in a highfalutin manner, and is somewhat pretentious. Late thirties and owner of the General Store, Barbra’s ambitions collide with Evan’s goals abundantly.


Barbra Donavan

Not a churchgoer, she believes religion is about power. Why would she think differently with a father who had their church’s minister on “his payroll?” She leads people to believe her family is more prestigious than is true. She is chairwoman of the Town Council, a position she secretly equates as being mayor of the village.


Barbra Donavan

More than anything she wants to prove to her father that a “woman” can be successful. She has dreams of branching her General Store and believes if she were allowed more freedom (like opening on Sunday’s or selling beer and wine) she could ring-up enough cash to accomplish this. While she is tight with money, she loves playing hostess and offers free goodies to buy the latest “news” from those who hang out at her tea table. She is a master at manipulating the ladies in the town.

Series Arc

Barbra Donavan

Through the seasons she grows more determined to show the villagers who is boss of the town. Her up front tactics to take on Evan become more devious as she resorts to plotting behind the scenes to rid the town of him.