
series by davidspeight

Writer and Author David Speight

David Speight Age 6

David has been writing since the age of six. After graduating from the University of Southern California (USC) film school, he held positions at NBC, Universal, and UCLA. Currently he resides in Orlando, Florida with his husband Alex.


Growing up son of the minister in Salem, author David Speight wasn’t allowed to watch much television and forbidden to go to the movie theater. But that didn’t keep him from taking in hundreds of old films on TV or from sneaking to the movies. His interest in movies was so intense that he bought a Super 8 camera at age 12 and made his own.

David Speight Age 13
David Speight Laptop


David’s education at USC film school and UCLA Extension developed his writing skills. He is the author of three novels and a dozen screenplays.


Salem M.I. (1971) is a village of only 310 residents. With his great memory, hundreds of slides, super 8 film reels, and continued contact with residents, who else would be a perfect source for these fact-based episodes? He witnessed these events. He lived this life. David was the shadow that followed everybody around and got into their business. He is certainly the one who can tell these stories in the explosive way that will keep you craving more.

David Speight Cap
David Speight



  • Atlantis: Bearer of Fruit
  • Atlantis: Fall of the Gods
  • Atlantis: Rise of the Nile


  • Blue Egg
  • Forbidden Ground
  • Lunar Safari
  • Atlantis I & II
  • Atlantis: Bearer of Fruit


  • Saving Salem MI